Gerrymandering, but it’s OK because we mean well

[jer-i-man-der, ger-]  (from
U.S. Politics. the dividing of a state, county, etc., into electiondistricts so as to give one poli
tical party a majority in many districtswhile concentrating the voting strength of the othe
r party into as fewdistricts as possible.
verb (used with object)

U.S. Politics. to subject (a state, county, etc.) to a gerrymander.

I wonder what people would say if there was a conservative government in power, and they were changing election boundaries to increase the chances of their own candidates getting elected?  I think we actually know:
People quite rightly get pissed off about this kind of thing.
 So why is it OK when liberals do it?  Do you think they don’t know that this change increases their odds of being elected again, as Acadian and black voters have swung liberal quite consistently in recent decades, as far as I can tell.
This reminds me of the famous line from Animal Farm.  All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.  True democracy is not supposed to favour anyone’s chances of getting elected, even if people are trying to tilt the playing field for reasons that they consider legitimate.  As such, I consider this type of a change decidedly undemocratic.


About Chris "Bighead" Milburn

Runner, cyclist, triathlete, physician, trophy husband
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